

    Everything © A. Reynolds, 2006-2008.

It's a good day to die

So I was talking to Kelly the other day and she was talking about how her life has come together in such a way that it would probably be the worst time for her to die. And she half expected it.

... Anyway I guess it was a little bit inspiring.

Its just the perfect day to die
isn't it.........

its the perfect time for this world to set you aside
or eat you for breakfast
it finally spread you with whip cream
and ate you for lunch
you've left all your problems behind
saw your immediate family
said all your good prayers
and bought your new filth
it brought you to your knees
it brought you to your level
with everyone else
with all humanity
just sit back
your doin sixty-five
and surrounded by your possible fate
just one reaction
just a sneeze
and a kiss
today is just the perfect day to die
just the perfect time
with your chores all finished
and the phone hot with sweat
you just realized that everything is perfect
...Just the right time
the move.....The boxes and tape
recorder is stuck to the notebook
your pens and pencils
your perfect pretty
smile is finally complete
if only you've had more time to yourself
...........Or somebody else
so lets see
lets hear
come one
come all
lets read
and speak
your death
it was
it was greater than you know
but not your grave
or your casket
not your crash
or dress
its your life
the end of something true
the fictional end
of non- fiction
the finality of a civil unrest
its your life
that made it great
your time
your mass....................... And the scars on our veins
over you