

    Everything © A. Reynolds, 2006-2008.

Talk radio

My ear hurts
wheres my dog?
I had a flight

i made a trip
i left my dog
with my mother
i left my ear
on the airplane
so here i sit

listening to talk radio
listening to politics
hearing nothing
paying no attention

the world never changes
your life never changes
no matter what is on talk radio
it will always be there (in some form)
there will aways be an opposition
and something to oppose

Why does everything that i write
have to deal with something greater
why does anything i write
have to imply anything
do your dreams exist?
i met a woman
and when i woke up
i missed her
i realized that i will never see her again
in my life

do you know how that feels?
to know
a dog bark
a foot clank
a door slam
a light on
could change your life
what would it be to fall in love in a dream
what would it be if you never woke up
is that death?

in death
do you fall asleep
and never wake up
because you have found your match
your lover
your life
and you do not feel the need to enter the real world again

or is it just hibernation?

They dumped their heads on the dancefloor
everyone who died
must die. (Talk radio)