Drunk driving.
Last night....... i was drunk.
I almost got in a car wreck.
I had two pizza twistas' from two different seven-elevens.
I came home and sat down with an ice cold 24oz can of good old american budwiser.
And wrote whatever flowed.
This is what happened.
i was dreaming
and wake me if i am wrong
i always am
and never are you
to be and to live
without arms and sleep
come together and shake
come together and breathe
come together and swallow me as i follow steps
to the great blue ocean
to the great deep sea
without a pen to picture you
and without a pad to draw and weep
as the thistles clear
and the leaves fall like rainbows
the sky turns white and colorless
evergreens, evergreen as fall fades
away all around
and winter coming fast
i lay you down to torture you
and slip into my socks
with a knife
and blade
a fire and a kiss
two steps set down to follow you
two eyes Ive come to miss
when you're here, i gather down
and when your gone i stay awake
a regret
a deep thought and a pane of glass to clear
i miss you
and i will always