

    Everything © A. Reynolds, 2006-2008.

Subconscious ramblings at work

you are having a nervous breakdown
remember to breathe
breathing helps
pills don't
you are waking up to reality
and opening your third eye
your sixth sense
escape your mind, escape your body
escape your pathetic human thoughts
escape the line of humanity
and breathe
now breathe
now blink
nothing ever happens
everything you say and do is recorded and played back to you in the afterlife
over and over and over
the loop of life
you cannot escape
did you enjoy your time
here in this life?
will you enjoy it again?
how would you change it?
the words in this sentence stream together like the thoughts dancing through my skull as i change subjects and ramble on just to entertain myself like i cover the whole damn page with words and thoughts of worlds without sleep and a barely attainable future that is crossing your T's and dotting your eyes a little known science called adding punctuation and procreation as i sit and wait emanating thought and productivity i hope my legs give out and forced to my knees i relax and write a little more about nothing and speak of nothing and hidden in a trance i am lost without inspiration with writer's cramp and a broken finger.
you are falling asleep
with little hopes of waking up
you are breathing without will
your eyelids flutter with thoughts and paragraphs
and i am watching
as your teeth are falling out
as you step to the edge and float away
back in school
back in your childhood
i see your fingers twitching
and you are writing this all down