

    Everything © A. Reynolds, 2006-2008.

As humans go these days

Buy what you want
what they tell you you need
hanging from this American string
bouncing along
with every step

your life has become
coming home
eating a packaged meal
and changing channels

these are the fucking in-between times, these are the fucking in-between times
in-between what you ask?
your shitty job
and sleep

don't listen to the hype, they will try
to sell you anything
don't buy it

sure i could package
my shit
and sell it on QVC
just as long as i said that it was a useful way
to spend the money you made
working your shitty job

There are 6 billion people in the world
and most believe in an afterlife
i say go,
if your heaven is so good
then fucking go
stop destroying the beautiful world
that we happen to inhabit
for a very
of time