Billy, eat your dinner
we all waited
for the giver to come
congregating in gigantic churches
with steeples and all
with big beautiful windows
for him to peer right in
but instead, he reached around the front
and pulled us out one by one
for an addition to a sand castle
for pure amusement
the giver heated up a giant pin
and melted it through our eyes
the giver pulled off heads, reattaching
them to other bodies
the giver
pulled off clothes
and toes
and hair
he stuck us in different houses
he took pictures
of people mowing lawns
of people flying planes
of people taking baths
he showed them to his mother
he showed her the destruction
and she said
pick up your toys
for the giver to come
congregating in gigantic churches
with steeples and all
with big beautiful windows
for him to peer right in
but instead, he reached around the front
and pulled us out one by one
for an addition to a sand castle
for pure amusement
the giver heated up a giant pin
and melted it through our eyes
the giver pulled off heads, reattaching
them to other bodies
the giver
pulled off clothes
and toes
and hair
he stuck us in different houses
he took pictures
of people mowing lawns
of people flying planes
of people taking baths
he showed them to his mother
he showed her the destruction
and she said
pick up your toys