Humanism (part deuce)
When does life become
something more than a mixer?
something better an sweeter
and more like elixir?
when does this turn
from the outside
to inner
and why do we sit so politely at dinner?
why is my heart so corroded and shameful
why to my legs hurt like somebody shaved them?
where are the questions
we forgot how to answer
and why are your breasts
full of that cancer?
where are we now?
just give it a rating
just give me a saving
and live this one over
because my hands are all fading
somebody creep
and come to my doorstep
somebody dream
and dream without regret
somebody kiss
the foot of your master
and hold on my hand
to the brink of disaster.
something more than a mixer?
something better an sweeter
and more like elixir?
when does this turn
from the outside
to inner
and why do we sit so politely at dinner?
why is my heart so corroded and shameful
why to my legs hurt like somebody shaved them?
where are the questions
we forgot how to answer
and why are your breasts
full of that cancer?
where are we now?
just give it a rating
just give me a saving
and live this one over
because my hands are all fading
somebody creep
and come to my doorstep
somebody dream
and dream without regret
somebody kiss
the foot of your master
and hold on my hand
to the brink of disaster.