Casual sex
and then, there were nights at the bar
blue and red ribbons hang
advertising to the gang
i sat and watched from the corner booth
is this the truth?
i came alone
i went home with a girl
and we came together
that night
and next week
i'm sure i will again
i sat and waited
in the corner booth of course
the most comfortable of them all
the fastest service of them all
the waitress comes when i call
oh, don't they all
as the night progresses
the people are restless
the barmaid is restless
and i have my doubts
and guesses
of what it feels like
under those dresses
er, dress
as the barmaid undresses
she feels just like the rest
nothing new, nothing special
noting, you..... were impressful
all full of impress
and me of course
under such depression
i wasn't available for such impression
and i never even questioned
your beauty
i looked right through you, cutie
when maybe i shouldn't have.