
How hard it is to rent a movie these days.

I almost got beaten up at blockbuster
blockbuster of all places.

I was renting beerfest,
minding my own business.

when there was this douchebag behind me
blabbing on his cell phone
so loud that I couldn't hear the employee
so loud that I couldn't think

so I turned around and shusshed him

he didn't like it.

after several threats
and pushing back and forth
I said really......?
are you really going to ignore your children by talking on your cell phone
and then teach them how to beat people up at blockbuster?

admittedly I could have just asked him to be quieter
instead of the shussh
but I wanted to see what would happen.......
go figure.

It's just like a snowflake....

She took my hand
and lead me along
all I wanted was sleep

this is a big mistake
is all I can think

as she leads me down the hall
though the end is near
I do not think at all
foot after foot
step after each shaking step

my heart is sinking
like a skipping stone
hitting an oil tanker
its all I can do to take in a breath
the air feels thin
definitely; most likely not much oxygen
or are we drifting
down and down
the pressure building
tears light up my chest
as I stumble

just a tug of a hand
and a tighten of a grip
I feel release
and I begin to escape
my own weary head

as she sets me down to sleep
and kisses away all my sorrows