Everything © A. Reynolds, 2006-2008.
Hot air balloon
lift these buttons from off our clothes they wont hold us down any more stretch out all the strings and pull them across the surface to color our world in fabric and time
Needless to say.
the humans and their brains all sleep soundly while the creatures of the night scurry about and among the leaves and branches, they cower along the bricks and crawl their way up up up to your bedpost and, when sleep turns is cozy head to the west the chariot takes flight and sends your feet to panic, but with every step all they feel is fur and flesh and bone without proper placement your knees wobble to keep your weary head off the ground although it's everything that you can do to keep moving and control your own destiny as you crush tiny, helpless creatures with every step
Questions that you really should ask yourself while laying awake at night not sleeping.
And what if I left you laying so, so still without humor or emotion? what if I made the decision to lift up both your eyelids and expose the world, in several fragments, to your head to your insides? and when humans think of themselves they think of their brain where all the thinking happens because nothing makes more sense tonight other than breathing and beating and the cleaver twitch of fingertips pressing down on my skin And what if the levers pull themselves, the stitches and the switches all change directions and the cars on the road unmake themselves while you are holding the steering wheel that guides your future?
We are still breeding.
I found myself awake and while the city slept I was working, deconstructing everything every nut and bolt I unscrewed every rivet and weld I cut apart all the while, smiling Yet, the city stands waiting for god to come across the lawn and, with his horse in tow, blow his breath of life to level it all only six feet high and three feet thick
Motionless me.
Every step toward infinity only brings me closer to disaster and I don't know if, I'm not sure if I can survive it all I rested for a moment just to contemplate my life, existence and, while the cicada rang its wings the bees and birds all flew up above I could hear the deep rumble of wind and air and atmosphere slowly breaking under each strenuousbeat and flight happens the fish in the stream all fighting the current rested the ants at my feet carrying their load knelt to the boulders and hills finally, the trees, growing ever strong all clapped their leaves and applauded motionless me the world moves itself under my feet while I, alone, tread the surface breathing just like every other human
Taking the potion from the witch.
When the mountains crack and crumble into millions of tiny pieces we are left in ashes waiting, wanting more as the clouds block out the sun and every drop of the ocean, the great expanse, freezes just like your tears So, I pluck them off your cheek and drill little holes in the center of each and every one string them on a hair, dyed blonde, and tie it to your neck
It only just seems like real life when your back is to the wall and your feet are at the line while I am squeezing the trigger it only seems like fate when the castle crumbles beneath your feet, falls into the sea washing you off and washing you away the night comes, but always turns down the hallway and the sun stalks up behind it without contest, without thought and sound just live and breathe and die like the rest of us and collect your retirement
New Cam
 I got a new digital camera!  Guess where i found it. It takes movies too!
Very drunk.
I am writing this to prove to me and to everybody else that we are all just sentences in the book of life we are all just regrets in the diary of time
today I started sifting through the ashes and lifting through the forest floor I sat, lonely and stared while the birds all fluttered about the air the bugs all scurried about the leaves and the gods above didn't care or couldn't care less because they knew that the world was created for our two souls to breathe and it was an obstacle to test luckily fate was still alive and kicking down below twisting the outcome
Distance, LDR, GPS.
with the road stretched out before me and the clouds smeared up above an inevitable feeling of sadness overwhelms me because you are not here with me if only, to look at the same landscape if only, to see the same green green grass and i am thinking of you head tilted back to the ground in awe, looking up at the shiny buildings of skyscraper national park i wish i was there to hold your hand and to catch you from the vertigo so, let the trees do what they may and let all the fish in the sea swim to the rivers and lay their eggs upstream, let the concrete jungle slowly fall apart but, baby please keep me in your heart
Everything has roots.
driving into the wind and, delicately the bicycles pass free from their masters and time the sky, riddled with clouds a blue and white cowprint ceiling masking the cosmos and the ground, breathing life as the trees grass and weeds suck the green from the deep and bring it to the roadside
With the stars aligned...........
she doesn't have to say a word not make a sound because the room, sensing her return, has left its soul open had left open it's doors and windows outside, faces in the water swirl and compete over waves and valleys troughs and crests just to catch a glimpse of an undying beauty and just to catch the scent of her sweat I am sitting in place and tied to a flimsy fold-up chair when she walks though the door bringing with her the wind as the curtains wave at my situation she walks to my knees and stops while the birds all gather and sit on the open windowsill and watch in between picking at the termites
Arachnid, polygon, torture. (wtf?)
she takes her five fingers and presses them gently against the back of his neck as the world retreats to its desert home to its cave of a bed and birthplace directing every single move she reaches in deeper to his skull and pulls his strings and ties them to her five fingers now, cornered without thought or interruption without sleep and understanding the boy quivers his heart shutters and his hands both shake with the motion he reaches out to her hair and breathes in the sweet smell of summer rain
The politics of smile.
take a step and look to the west you are the figurine standing still through the sunset through the rain every single day I am the air I am the water flowing down your naked breast I am the radiant heat that you release after hours after noon placed here casting shadows like the time like the clockwork like the earth rotates through the heavens while the hawk soars with ever-growing complexity searching for it's next meal watching carefully through trained eyes she looks at me and I look back did you think that no one would notice no one would walk away and all the while turn their heads to see?
It tasted sweet until you realized it caused cancer.
I am standing tall and still at the edge of the world all of the streets and their accompanying lights fall apart and crease away into the earth when all the new and old construction disappears into pictures of the past, pictures of riveters with lunchboxes and coke sandwiches and steel-toed shoes earth, with its oxidizing nature peels away every scrap and bit of debris while the shopping malls and parking lots flourish like your grandmother's garden like your grandmother's ash-white hair in the summer sun while you fall apart.
It kind of hurts
I wish that i could capture every single emotion i encounter and bottle it up for every other human to experience. I know that we can't see through each other's eyes and i know that we can't be inside each other's heads yet, we run in circles on treadmills and water while the world spins out from under our feet the same world as i drive my car through the warm rain at one in the morning; the wipers, old as they only smear the city lights across my windshield and i am here inside my head looking out
When the day comes you won't ever even know.
living without interruption from the daily stresses of life and breathing and being here we all wake up alone really and when we fall asleep we die every single night every single blink of your eye is just a step closer to oblivion and the future and god's plans for your sanity while you slide right on down the bannisterto the woman in a white dress with open arms