
Alliteration to the subway station

I was your worst nightmare in a three piece suit
you looked back at me oh so terribly cute
I was charming
you found it alarming
until i hung you from a ceiling beam
and stripped you clean

you weren't that much for might
and never had much fight
until the day came
when i called your name
and took back all your fame

I had tossed you down onto the street
where the drunks and homeless meet
and met
and stood around your body
and me, I met
them standing in the lobby

the penthouse suite
was nice and neat
the mirror, not a smudge

no evidence
left for defense
or even a conviction
and i walked away without crime
but, rhyming in my diction

Found cleaning.

We never wore each other
down to the bone
did we?
We never took each other down
to our insides
did we?
and the tears we cried
in each others hands
we held deep down
and we held deep in
we swallowed
and followed
and slept
until the morning came.


i was there and i taught you everything

i was there when you learned how to sing

i was there when your insides turned inside out

and i turned everything all about

the sun and the moon circling around the earth

when the child


a human birth

when the night fell through the roof

and the stars opened up the truth

i cant comprehend the thoughts

which swirl

inside you girl

and the twirl

and the furl

and the understanding

undertaking your mind

racing circles in the room

fall asleep sweet child

fall asleep

Drunken writing....

The sentences fall from you lips like medicine
the words trace their own sorry trails across the floor
but i want more
and every step you take is just another reason not to believe
but all that you perceive is fed to you
plate by plate
by sorry plate
i take in the mistake
and answer all your questions in order
one by one
by one by one

hello, says the voice from the train tracks
hello, says the voice from the rusty rails
tracking across the countryside
from the inside
but outside
is where you reside

i saw your footsteps
across the lawn
i saw your breath
from ups and from downs

i cant believe the conversation
i can only feel the significant authority
i can only feel the silent power
pulling on my skin

as the brain i use
only, softly
an excuse

if i only had
an algorithm for it all
an authority
to control the fall
i would believe anything
and let myself down
down down
into the abyss

Bloody Mary

She was laying on the bed
smoking a cigarette
licking on her lips
and dripping with her sweat
the smoke billows
and out the windows
but later, I catch it
still hiding in my clothes

Come home, I said to my conscience
Come back, I screamed in the mirror
filled with terror and fear
three times of it is for charm
four times would only be cheer

and three times turned
with a new angle
three times turned
with a different breath
like the pale, blue dot
on which we exist

she turned to me and she spoke
and said that it wasn't a joke

out of the midnight
and everything sacred
out of the light
and out to the lane
I was taken aback
by the thought of attack
and ever so slightly
drifted off and again

the disease filled my spine
and the feelings took hold
from my feet to my skull
drenched in silence and cold
the fear that arose
and the thoughts all imposed
did nothing but suck
all the stench from my clothes

I was silent at first
but soon I could speak
as it happened my
lungs and my throat
all were weak
all silent and meek

I let out a squeak

And me, the freak
laying all still
on the powder room floor
heart pounding with thrill
but never you'd know
as my chest didn't flutter
never you'd hear
as my words didn't utter

lost and alone
brittle and bone
the most notable tone
was that
of the phone
ringing, a drone,
a slave with its wires
wired all wrong
and starting house fires
enveloping flesh
enveloping skin
I did nothing to her
I did nothing to him
but still all this sin
and fire and brim?
where does it stop
and it start and begin
and go all again
with the love that we had
and hearts that could win
with fate and the future
and thought of our kin
the touch of her skin
not burning or thin

but flames don't hear in words
and fire, it isn't living
so any thoughts I had
of regretting and forgiving
were surely never heard
that would be absurd
but I squeaked them out
without a doubt
a doubt without
a shred of clout
and told them of my worth

the fires once started
bring flames


I just read the previous post and it sucked, so.....

I have no idea what I just wrote, which is this:

The night creeps its hairy head
in and around my toes
i stop and weep, i lay
and face down i breathe
lonely into my pillow

when the morning comes to lift me up
i will soon forget
all the minutes, moments spent
thinking of you

i will wake up
with full resolute
i will breathe in the morning sun
as the covers fall
so do they all
i will forget it all

how the night before
left in worry wort
how the previous day
how the weeks ahead
and the nights in bed
will fade out like the sun

so, fade back in
and let me see
fade right in and i will be
the one to hurt you
one to heal you
to be your every thing

nighttime took the hours away
but i will give them back
and nighttime took your beauty
but you cannot look back

I am kinda drunk so.

We are bullets and fiction
silence in diction
tears in the fabric of life
which covers up our skin

let me in
to your insides
let me down
to your insights
i want to be your everything

i want to be what you read
what you believe
i want to be what you perceive
when you thing
in the middle of the night
when you cant breath
in the silence of the fright.