
The American Dream

What are you doing?
wake up
Go to school that you hate
and learn all the things you don't want to know
make sure to graduate
wake up
get ready for college
where you can learn more things you don't care to know
make sure to graduate
or else you wont get that job
which you will love
wake up
and go to work
that you hate
because you didn't get that job you wanted
just deal with it
buck up kid
it will come
wake up
and go to the job
that you finally got
and it's still not what you wanted
wake up
go back to school
learn about more stuff you don't care about
change your career
so you can make more money
and it will be funner
to do something different
make sure to graduate
or else you wont get that job
wake up
and go to work
Yea, this one is not much better is it?
Well, don't feel bad
you have children now
and you have something to live for
greater than yourself
now you don't have to worry about being happy
just worry about their success
hey kids
wake up
time to go to school
where you can learn about things that you don't care about
so that you can graduate
so that you can find a job that you love
so that you can discover that you don't like the job you worked so hard for
so that you can one day fuck a girl
so that you can have children
so that they can wake up
and go to school
that they hate
and learn things they don't want to know
so that they can discover that they didn't really want
what they worked so hard for.


bloody kisses on your lips
bloody hands on your hips
bloody grips
bloody slips

of tongue
of fun

im coming back
to reality now
and light
shines through
lace curtains

to wake you up

Such as life

How sincerely classical
for you to think
i am what you want to be
how sincerely magical
to say
you hold your heart on sleeve
i want to breathe
to perceive

this as fate
and faith
and as a human's race

but the night come so sure
and the day comes
pure, without care
withholding cure

our distance has a way

She kept me close
like the locket from her neck
she held me tight
holding the regret
holding the sex
that she forgets

i never wanted to breathe
and i didn't ask to receive
such a gift like this
such a life like this
but, heaven you exist
in letters
and sentences

i hope
the phrases all make sense
i hope the words
all in tense
breathe themselves out your heart
and settle in my skin

we will never be
then what i am today
and when the clouds
part, slowly
showing their
inverse insides
inside out

we hold hands and believe, don't we?

let me be


The world spun in circles, just like i remembered
the earth turned in orbit, just like i was taught
when i woke up
i didn't know where i was
and the newspaper told me
to believe
and the honest, street walkers
yelled from the pavement
to believe

I didn't accept a word as fact
or fiction
i only heard diction
and contradiction
and infliction
and fluctuation

but the guitars sang
out the night
and the sunlight
swept away the disease
the cool, regrettable, encouraging disease
i live
day in
day in
day in


All that you see
Is only a reflection of what there is to know
So free yourself, shine your lights
And open up to the real
Our senses
Can’t perceive half as much as our minds
And its time
The time we come to our heads and leave our senses behind

What happened on your trip?

did you see everything that you wanted
to see
did you feel every awkward feeling that you wanted
to feel
did you touch everything that you wanted
to touch
and did it all happen at once?
will it happen again?

words form and reform,
your mouth moves
but only sight and

i am left in the dark
piecing together
the pieces
and creating my own story
of what happened
while i was away
while you were away
on vacation

Yea, we are here.

I want to die
like the rest if the creatures here
i want to live
and breathe
and fuck
just like everything else

but no, you pull me beyond
only by your own intention
you pull me out from reality
to a world that makes no sense
puzzled by your own creation, you flutter and shake in the wake
you cry and beg and plead at the
but, when it all comes crashing down

did you really live at all?

so, again,

I want to die
like the rest if the creatures here
i want to live
and breathe
and fuck
just like everything else

just like you wish you had done
this whole time
and if you haven't figured it out
then, you will
in time

how you were born, and how you will die

Shapes take form
And will themselves
Out of the earth
From the mud we were born
But it’s from our souls we speak

Silent, in waiting
Animals in time
One day, learn to speak
And the ground remembers
The slop takes shape
Of footprints left in wake
Left in waiting and wanting
And trying to be
Left in willing and beating
And stopping and breathing
But will all they may
Because we’ve done it first

And the legacy we leave
Will wither
And rust and rot
The greenery takes shape,
Creatures take form
And sing a chorus of the earth
Out the treetops
And down below
Out the footsteps
And the snow
In harmony
And irony

Once we
Fall asleep
And let out our words

As humans go these days

Buy what you want
what they tell you you need
hanging from this American string
bouncing along
with every step

your life has become
coming home
eating a packaged meal
and changing channels

these are the fucking in-between times, these are the fucking in-between times
in-between what you ask?
your shitty job
and sleep

don't listen to the hype, they will try
to sell you anything
don't buy it

sure i could package
my shit
and sell it on QVC
just as long as i said that it was a useful way
to spend the money you made
working your shitty job

There are 6 billion people in the world
and most believe in an afterlife
i say go,
if your heaven is so good
then fucking go
stop destroying the beautiful world
that we happen to inhabit
for a very
of time


Everything you saw, or have seen
has already happened in a dream

Cosmic nightmares

Nobody ever tells you
it's going to be like this
that it would come to this.......
but, when somebody else is singing your songs
and their voice just can't relate or convey
how you felt that time
falling flat down

and suddenly, they all circle around you
falling until the street turns to black and empty space

they form in patterns and
criss-crossed paths through the sunlight

why don't we all remove our shoes, hold hands and breathe
all be?

because what you feel has already happened
and all that you know
in death you will forget anyway

but still they circle
around and around
until, losing orbit
they burn to shreds

Written in the snow

One of the most upsetting emotions for humans is uncertainty. We are creatures which, by nature, recognize patterns and if we cannot find a pattern to something, then we feel uncertain.

This is one of the main reasons for religion, and one of the deepest rooted conflicts of all. Science tries to define patterns to everything, but there are gaps of uncertainty. Religion tries to define patterns (reasons) for everything, but, again, gaps of uncertainty.

There so are many religions and beliefs because different people need slightly different patterns, whether by our upbringing or our genetic makeup, people are different and require different patterns.

It may do you some "good" to explore other religions. This will show you different patterns.

But, if you just realize that you are human and that by trying to find patterns (religions) you are only attempting to please your own uncertain mind, then you can take a step back from it all and maybe/possibly just relax and be uncertain.


I want everything to be different
far from what it was
when we began
far from the colors and the feelings
you made me feel

i want the walls to crumble
and the stairs to crash
when you come around

for the sake of tonight
please open up
for the sake of just one more day
open up your lips

i swear
i know you
from somewhere
from a dream
i can only repeat myself
it all happened
the beginning of time

i don't mind relapsing.